Weight-loss surgery doesn’t produce the same results for all people looking to shed excess weight. The same bariatric surgery procedure can result in different levels of weight loss depending on the patients’ genetics, underlying health conditions, and commitment to a healthy lifestyle. People with obesity look for weight-loss procedures that can guarantee predictable results and have little to no side effects. Single Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileostomy (SADI) is a break-through in the development of weight loss procedures. It is a new, safe bariatric treatment that is restrictive and malabsorptive. You can easily consult experts about the SADI procedure in Fort Worth, Texas, to ascertain whether or not you are a candidate. In this blog, we are going to discuss all you need to know about the SADI procedure.
What is a SADI Procedure?
The SADI treatment is a simple surgical operation involving a sleeve gastrectomy and removing 80 percent of the stomach. Once the curvature of the stomach is reduced, the patient feels full even after consuming small servings of food. SADI is a restrictive surgery as the stomach’s curvature is constrained, and it is a malabsorptive surgical procedure as the amount of nutrients absorbed by the body is reduced. The procedure is designed to help improve patients’ quality of life.
How is SADI Performed?
The SADI procedure involves two steps:
- First, the surgeon performs a sleeve gastrectomy to remove some part of the stomach.
- Secondly, they remove a majority of the intestine, to connect the lower portion of the intestine to an intestine loop duodenum about 2 meters below the stomach.
The procedure for dividing the intestine can be done at the same time as the sleeve gastrectomy or can be done later depending on the surgeon and your body’s needs.
The upper portion of the divided duodenum is connected to the small bowel, usually 2/3 to 3/4 of the way down. This permits food to bypass the remainder of the colon and go straight into the lower bowel. The skipped bowel is not removed and does not remain entirely dormant. Bile is able to travel through the bypassed bowel, sweeping any bacteria away. At the point where the upper duodenum is closed in, the bile meets food and the digestion process begins. As the duodenum and upper small bowel no longer receive any of the ingested food, some of the signals they normally provide are altered completely. The gut-brain signals are changed resulting in reduced appetite and food cravings.
SADI Procedure vs Other Weight Loss Surgeries
When looking for the best bariatric surgery and procedures, it helps to know how the SADI procedure compares to other techniques. There are a number of features that make SADI far more effective than other surgical procedures. The bypass created on the small intestine is the first and most significant change from the surgery. Other surgeries bypass the small intestine up to 80%. This 80 percent bypass lowers the amount of nutrients which gets absorbed by the small intestine, resulting in serious vitamin and protein deficiency in many individuals. The body requires vitamins and other nutrients to function, and without these nutrients, the immune system’s integrity may be compromised. The SADI treatment solves this problem by lowering the bypass generated with the small intestine to 50%. It has been determined through many research and patient records that this operation reduces the potential malnutrition problem of other weight-loss surgeries. While the SADI procedure lowers the amount of nutrients absorbed by the gut, similar to other processes, this reduction is safe and produces favorable results.
Benefits of SADI Procedure
There are numerous benefits associated with the SADI procedure:
- It reduces the likelihood of diarrhea and nutritional deficits, which are otherwise common side effects of the duodenal switch procedure.
- It results in more weight loss compared to traditional gastric bypass or gastric sleeve which is ideal for those with a BMI above 50.
- It helps patients who have had previous sleeve gastrectomy but haven’t lost enough weight or have had a relapse.
- It lowers long-term risk of intestinal blockage which can happen in duodenal switch and gastric bypass.
- It is beneficial for patients with poorly controlled Type-2 Diabetes because it has a more significant metabolic effect.
- It has lower risk of complications such as unstable blood sugar fluctuations, marginal ulcers, dumping syndrome, and food intolerance.
Final Word
SADI is a relatively straightforward procedure that does not take a long time to complete. The surgery typically lasts around one and a half hours, but this could vary depending on your medical history. It usually involves five small incisions in the belly, resulting in a shorter hospital stay, fewer scars, and a quicker recovery. Compared to other weight loss surgeries, SADI operations employ a variety of pain-relieving techniques, including the administration of a TAP block, which is a long-lasting anesthetic that significantly lowers post-surgical discomfort. The TAP block ensures that the patient does not require any pain medication after surgery. SADI procedure with its amazing benefits can transform the lives of obese patients all over the world. But its suitability is dependent on your weight loss goals and body type. So, we recommend consulting a leading surgeon to find out whether SADI is the right choice for you.